Our Mission is to normalize Ethical Non-Monogamy and what better way to do it, than to have our very own cooking channel?
Through Recipes For Love, we will share some of our favorite recipes and cooking techniques, and at the same time give the world a glimpse into our day to day lives… here’s where to find us!
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Ellie Love shares a new recipe she tried out recently with her Love Tribe. Even her most finicky of eaters LOVED it… such a savory soup, perfect for fall weather to warm up your soul! Zuppa Toscana Soup Ingredients 12 oz pkg bacon, chopped 2 lbs […]
Michael Love sends in his debut Recipe’s for Love episode to talk about how to do a reverse sear technique using his Recteq 590 and his Sous-vide to make a London Broil that is tender and juicy and full of flavor! Links Recteq 590 – https://www.recteq.com/RT-590-Pellet-Grill_5Monoprice […]
Ellie Love shares a brand new to us Recipe that she made up for the ENM Talk Livecast Show… Lemon Twist Rice Krispy Treats! But she also does an even MORE adult version with Lime and Tequila! They are super delicious and VERY easy to make…. […]
Ellie Love shares a new favorite of her Love Tribe! Bacon Jam! You will love to spread this on your favorite sandwich, burgers, or even just to dip your crackers and chips into… its a delightful and delectable treat! Bacon Jam Ingredients 24 oz sliced bacon […]
Wahoo! We LOVE football and nothing goes better with football than a feast of football snacks! Super Bowl Sunday is a day of football, friends, and FOOD!!!! Next to the Super Bowl commercials, I like to think my football snacks are the best part of the […]
Ellie Love introduces us to another family favorite football snack, just in time for the Super Bowl!!! This time with a brand new, and never before tried variation… Pigs in a Pretzel!!! You’re going to want to try this easy to make, delicious football snack that […]
Ellie Love continues her Super Bowl Snack collection with a family favorite — Candied Bacon!!! This savory yet sweet snack is sure to be a hit with even your most finicky of football snack fiends! Bring this to your friends Super Bowl for the game winning […]